WINCHESTER people love nature, as membership of conservation and environment bodies attests. People love rambling across the Hampshire countryside or working to enhance nature such as the work on St Giles Hill. Many take part in wildlife surveys.

But when one thinks of the drama and the power of nature it is to places like Africa and the oceans that the mind turns. Herds of wildebeest on the savannah or blue whales singing to each other in the Atlantic.

We can overlook the spectacles in our own country. Few things can match the beautiful murmuration of starlings with thousands flying in formation at sunset. And here in Winchester we have had an example of savagery of existence. Winnie the peregrine has been a resident on the tower of the cathedral for around ten years, latterly with a male called William. Together they have raised many chicks. Last year's offspring Rosie has been recently spotted in New Milton.

But to the shock of many Winnie was killed with the culprit almost certainly a young peregrine called Mel who arrived on the scene, usurped her role and mated with William. In the last few days Mel has laid two eggs. Keith Betton, of Hampshire Ornithological Society, predicts she could lay a couple more.

This is Shakespearean drama taking place in the heart of city that would be worthy of a Attenborough documentary.

The return of peregrines across the UK after near-extinction is a conservation success story. We do not need to look to Africa or the oceans. It is here under our noses and we need to look after it.