What’s the biggest concern for small businesses? It usually boils down to capital. Do you have the money you need to market your product? Do you have the funds in the bank to push into new markets or develop your product? This is one of the biggest issues faced everyday by small companies.
While searching for Aldermore small business accounts online may help you earn better interest with the capital you do have, to cut costs in other areas; it’s all about making the most of what assets you have. And those that are free.
Social media has developed into one of the best ways to shout about your product for free, but how do you become innovative and step away from the bog standard Facebook and Twitter. Many small businesses are now starting to use Instagram to their advantage. And you should too. Here are our top tips on how to do just that.
Don’t just focus on what you sell
To make your account appealing to users, you can’t just focus on the products you sell. It might seem strange, but to make it engaging you need to focus on the people, places and elements that make the culture of your business. Give it a personal touch and people will want to interact with your brand.
Show your story
Don’t just post haphazard pictures as and when you feel like it. Use your account to show the story of your company. Have you got any events coming up? This is the perfect opportunity to showcase what your company is all about.
Step up your hashtag game
In much the same way as Twitter, to get the most out of your Instagram account and to make people aware of all the cool things you’re posting you need to use relevant hashtags. Choose an event, city, topic that people are talking about and get your brand involved.
Keep it steady
You don’t want to overload people by posting too much such as four or five photos a day, but you need to give them some content to interact with. Two a day is always a good number.
Increase engagement and cross promote
To really get the most out of social networking for your business you can’t simply use one platform in isolation. By cross-promoting across Facebook and Twitter (remember those hashtags) you can reach as many people as possible and really become part of the conversation, not just a brand trying to be cool.
Put a human face to your brand
Show us what’s going on behind the scenes. Take photos of your staff; showcase what a fun environment your business is. People want to interact when they can see the individuals behind the scenes.