SIR – Rum's Eg is broken. What a tragedy!

The community as been conned into believing the claim of the TVBC proponents of the 'refurbishment' of Bell Street ' that it would offer an 'improved shopping experience' and 'access to Bell Street.'

Instead, it has forced the closure of Rum's Eg, one of Romsey's most attractive shops, the staff of which have done so much to enhance local cultural life, and to contribute to the education of local school children about the world of the arts and crafts.

A local resident opined on line " Romsey is incredibly lucky to have such a place that really tries to involve many different aspects of the community in projects an the creative arts and is so inspiring".

But then 'shopping' is so much more important! Other enterprises in Bell Street may well go under. How unjust!

Last August, The Romsey Advertiser published my following letter.

'I consider that it would only be just for Test Valley Borough Council to use some of the £1m that it is going to be wasted on the pointless and unpopular plan to 'improve the access to Bell street', to waive local business taxes imposed on those who are going to lose trade and income, and quite probably their livelihood, during the period of work.

I urge many residents to support this proposal by making their voices heard on social media. Will the shops in Bell street be open for business during the construction period? If not, I also consider that TVBC should compensate owners of businesses for loss of earnings which can easily be assessed on the basis of pre-construction income'.

Not surprisingly, these proposals fell on TVBC deaf ears.

Francis Fahy

Kings Somborne