SIR – I write in reference to your article on page 6, in your issue 13th April regarding accidents at junction of A3090 and Ryedown Lane.

Firstly the article is more to do, rightly, with the issue of a solution to this very dangerous junction. I feel that the proposal NOT to change the road layout is totally ill-thought and far too little to rectify the everpresent obvious danger.

Road markings, signs and speed limit reduction/enhanced signage are totally insufficient and would only be a "sticking plaster".

My proposal would be to close this junction completely and construct a roundabout at the junctions which serve the Crematorium and Gardeners Lane so that those wishing to turn into Ryedown Lane from Romsey could safely carry out the action with only having to travel a further very short distance.

This would also reduce the same possible outcomes at these other junctions as the Crematorium becomes so much busier and probably Gardeners Lane becoming more utilised.

Surely the cost for this would be more than valuable for the saving of further injury and fatality.

