SIR: In response to the letter in last week's advertiser. I would like to add my knowledge on the correct name Bishop Blaize. As a former sign artist in Romsey, I was commissioned by Whiteread of Romsey, to repaint the existing pictorial sign. The picture on the sign I painted and the name had to be historically correct.

BISHOP BLAIZE was indeed the patron saint of wool combers and he was depicted, if I remember correctly, wearing full Bishop's regalia including a mitre. The Bishop was also holding a lamb in his arms.

The other point I would like to make is Blaize was his surname. Having been born in Romsey 70 years ago I remember the pub often referred to as the Bishop's Blaize,. it is therefore easy to see how this mistake was made.

On another note, I'm quite sad to see the two signs of Mr Bradbeer I painted, have disappeared.

Barry Hobbs
