The Welsh Ambulance Service is appealing to the public to safeguard their services during the Bank Holiday weekend.

As the three-day weekend approaches, the Trust is prompting individuals to gather prescription medication and load up on first aid supplies to manage minor injuries and illnesses themselves.

For those visiting Wales, the service strongly suggests familiarising oneself with their local address, as it is the first query from a 999 call handler. Crucially, it urges a clear display of a house number or name for prompt ambulance service.

It furthermore recommends having a well-stocked first aid kit at home and carrying prescription medication if required. For outdoor safety, the service encourages the usage of the free what3words app for swift location by emergency services.

Cyclists are advised to wear helmets and be cautious on busy roads. Parents must monitor their children's outdoor activities, ensuring they avoid hazardous situations. Group safety is stressed when in company, alongside avoiding abandoning friends.

Lastly, drinking responsibly and hydrating is critically advised to mitigate the impact of alcohol. These tips aim to ensure public safety and efficient use of crucial ambulance resources.

Sonia Thompson, assistant director of operations (Emergency Medical Service), said: "We traditionally see an increase in demand over a Bank Holiday weekend, and this weekend is expected to be no different.

"More people are out and about socialising or travelling to visit family and friends, and it’s important they know how to access the most appropriate help should they become ill or get an injury."