THE new mayor for Whitchurch donned his robes for the first time this week.

Councillor John Buckley was voted in by all councillors, bar one abstention, at Monday’s annual meeting of the council.

Former mayor, Cllr Andy Jordan, summed up his time in office before asking for nominations for this year’s new mayor.

Councillor John Buckley’s name was put forward and all councillors showed their support in the nomination, bar one. Councillor Fiona Nicholson was nominated and voted in as this year’s deputy chairman and mayor.

In his inaugural speech, Cllr Buckley said he agreed with Cllr Jordan’s outgoing statement of the need for clear communication within the council, a sound financial plan and Neighbourhood Plan.

He added: “I also found the speed watch to be very disappointing but I’m pleased that it may come to light.

“Councillors come from different backgrounds, which I think is the strength of this council, and we have different ideas and different ways of doing things.

“We’re not here to represent ourselves but we’re here to represent people out there and our town.

“So when someone’s pushing a view, that view is representing their community and I think that’s essential for a community.

“I think we’ve got a really wonderful council, supported by some great clerks and everyone’s very committed to Whitchurch and it’s people and I want to thank Andy and Rebecca. I think they’ve set us in good stead to continue work, which makes my job so much better. Whitchurch is a wonderful place.”