HE has dedicated his life Primary pupils about the Rights Respecting programme to supporting young footballers and now he’s been rewarded by the sport he loves with a big betting win.

Don Diver handed over his £10 stake at the Coral’s, Hedge End, bookies for four bets on his idea of the outcome of 31 matches and, when the results came in, he collected £18,164.

“I’ve been betting on the football for almost 60 years and won nothing and now, to win at my age, is unbelievable. I’m thrilled,”

said the 77-year-old.

“I had to sit down when I was told how much I’d won.”

His friends say there’s no-one more deserving because, over the years, Don has dug deep into his own pockets to set up Hedge End Rangers, shelling out for kit, trophies and transport for the young players and even taking on a second job to help finance his team.

He’s the club’s founder, its life president and principal fund-raiser; the man who, back in the ’70s, persuaded Saints stars, Bobby Stokes, Alan Ball and Kevin Keegan, to come down and coach the Hedge End kids.

Under Don’s wing, the club grew from a bunch of youngsters having a kickaround on a cow field to one of the largest in the South, with more than 40 teams under its banner.

Top players, such as former Saints, Andrew Surman and Mark Blake, and Tottenham keeper, Mark Thompson, passed through the Hedge End academy before rising to Premiership fame.

“Hedge End Rangers is my life, that’s all there is to it and they will be getting a present out of this, but I don’t know what just yet,” said Don.

“When I started the club almost 40 years ago, I had no idea it would get so big.”

Do you know Don? Do you agree with his friends? Leave your comments below.