It was first heard before Edward I was King of England and around the same time that glass mirrors were invented in Europe.

But now West Tytherley’s ancient church bell is set to be restored to its former glory.

The bell, which is more than 750 years old, is one of a trio at St Peter’s Church which will it is hoped be ringing again across the village, later this year.

The other two bells date back to 1399 and 1725, but are mere youngsters compared to the oldest in the set, which is believed to have been in use as far back as the early 1200s making it one of oldest in the UK for circle ringing, in which the bells swing from a frame.

Craftsmen at Tankerdale Conservation and Restoration, in Petersfield, are currently working on the great wheels that will hold the bells in place and allow them to swing.

The ambitious project, funded by grants and donations from the general public, is being overseen by vicar Reverend James Pitkin.

To pledge money to the restoration project, contact Mr Pitkin on 01794 340635.