
  • PHOTOS: Spending dawn to dusk on the line

    MORE than 20 people braved the early start as The Watercress Way charity held its fourth Dawn to Dusk Day. The dawn chorus walkers met in Martyr Worthy in darkness at 4.30am to start the day, and by sunrise the group were alongside the river having

  • Pupils visit Brownsea Island

    PUPILS of a Romsey primary school were treated to a trip to Brownsea Island to learn about the different types of habitats in the UK. Deer, peacocks, peahens and a red squirrel were spotted by pupils of Romsey Abbey Church of England Primary School

  • HERITAGE: Mystery of the Abbey's Saxon ponytail

    IN 1839 when digging a new grave under the floor in the South aisle of the Abbey Church in Romsey the sexton came across a lead coffin. At the time they thought it was probably Roman. It was decided to open it to see if there were any human remains

  • Andy Lester: Imagine no bees in Hampshire

    Over the past few years I have written over 100 newspaper columns covering everything from the decline of wildlife, to Fair Trade chocolate and thinking through a future for the New Forest to hunting foxes. But a common thread throughout the last

  • Marking more than four decades as twins

    THIS is the 41st year of twinning between Colden Common and St Vigor le Grand in Normandy, one of the longest surviving active twinnings in the country. Sixty twinners, French and their hosts from the village, dined in the community centre on Saturday