'Please keep your dogs on leads’

READERS have noted from time to time the town’s problems with dog walkers in the Memorial Park.

Might they be asked through your columns to be a little more considerate to the people of the town whose elected representatives have with good reason placed notices at all the entrances asking dog owners please to keep them on their leads.

Yet every morning between 8am and 9am, a gathering of up to ten or twelve people congregate- in defiance of the coronavirus epidemic, to watch their dogs bound around the park chasing balls or whatever and free to defecate or urinate on the grass where multitudes of families and children might be sitting in a few months’ time when the virus has passed and we have this year’s Beggars’ Fair.

The ‘Please’ notices are clearly not working and need to be replaced with byelaws, punitive fines and a dog warden to enforce them.

Names and address supplied

Lack of litter

AS A volunteer litter picker I have noted the great reduction in the volume of litter around our streets. In the main it is fast food wrappings and soft drink cans. I wondered if the closure of our fast food outlets might be considered as a permanent measure by the government in order to keep our streets tidy?

John Bartlett


Keep distance

On Sunday I went to the Co-op store in Saxon Way, Romsey and it was like a normal day, I know there were only two staff but there were at least 13 people in the shop no queuing. Romsey has its share of elderly residents. So come on all those people who used the shop Sunday lunch time (March 29), keep your distance and play the game, stop being shellfish think of others including the staff in the shop. Thank you.

Name and address supplied

Where is help for disabled?

WHERE is the help for disabled people who cant get out and go to the supermarket’s to get shopping?

No online slots. No priority for disabled people.

Are we just all to starve. No help at all from the government.

Nobody has pulled together to help where I live?

This just all makes me mad, as this is going to go on for a long time I think.

Please consider disabled people who can’t get out when you book your online shop.

We are alone at this a very bad and frightening time.

If your waiting for people to free up online shopping slots to help people who can’t get out to do their shopping, then we are in for a long wait.

Just offering mornings to go into the store is not good enough as I myself cannot get to the store to queue up and then walk round the shop to do my shopping. Especially in the mornings.

Hence, that’s why I relied on online shopping.

It seems to me that in this most terrible time that is happening right now, there is no mention of help for disabled people at all.

If there is some help and I’m missing something then please let me know.

Also I have no friends or family that are unable to help me in this crisis we are all in. No carers even.

I don’t seem to come into the help category.

Another thing I would like to mention is that some people are still not following the lockdown and social distancing rules.

They are mixing with other people who we are not supposed to be mixing with.

This makes it bad for other people who are following the rules.

I am sending this email to as many people and companies that I can to get this situation across.

So hopefully they will more of an understanding of this situation I am in right now.

Name and address supplied

Isolation is best

It is not surprising that the coronavirus outbreak in Italy, Spain, and elsewhere has not yet reached a peak.

Lockdown means, for the majority of us who live in accommodation of modest size, that any member of the household who has the infection will almost inevitably infect all the other members, but not necessarily straight away.

So given that the incubation period is up to two weeks, it may take several weeks for the infection to spread to every member of the household.

Dr Andrew Norman
