SIR: Before Covid-19, one in four people suffers from mental problems at some time in their lives, according to the BBC.

This virus has put a new and unprecedented additional strain on everyone in so many different ways.

The best way to restore troubled minds and to boost natural immunity is to sleep well, seek rest and recreation and enjoy the countryside.

Why, therefore, do we tolerate the pollution of Hampshire's great recreation resources, the New Forest and the South Downs National Park by the widespread use of illegal exhausts, particularly by motorcyclists wearing noise cancelling helmets to protect their ears?

Why do we allow the dealership who sold the bike and the aftermarket exhaust to judge whether the result is, in their opinion, too loud?

Why do we allow 200mph motorcycles on to these roads?

Why was the transport industry made to spend millions to produce whisper quiet juggernauts but motorcycles were subject to such feeble control?

Why is the penalty a small fine, if caught?

How can any cycling initiative even start to make sense if the two longest roads in the South Downs National Park, the A272 east-west and the A32 remain amongst the most dangerous in the country?

Michael Peagram,

Bucks Head Hill,
