Time for a warden

AS IT was the first day of accessibility to play equipment on Sunday, my daughter couldn’t wait to take my two young grandchildren to the play park in Romsey.

Unfortunately, the kiddies play park had been taken over by a gang of teenagers who were climbing over the play equipment and doing their best to break it.

They were even riding down the little slide on their scooters, which was making it wobble and most likely weakening the structure and rendering it unsafe for use.

Whilst doing this they were shouting, screaming and using obscene language.

Needless to say my daughter turned around and left and spent the next hour or so consoling her heartbroken little four year old girl that she couldn’t play in the park because it was no longer safe.

This all took place in broad daylight on a sunny afternoon in what is normally a nice little town.

Could we not appoint a warden to keep an eye on public spaces and keep some sort of order?

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