SIR: The recent announcement of development plans for Flowerdown (Sir John Moore Barracks) will result in a major impact on North Winchester.

Regrettably, the associated consultation with the community is far from adequate.

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)’s consultant’s postal publicity failed to reach all local residents. The community is expected to provide considered views based only on planning sketches and vague statements with no access being given for visiting the site. Surely the army is capable of organising a ‘community open day’ so local people have a better sense of what the site can offer. Otherwise, the community is being asked to respond ‘blind’.

The DIO are commissioning and undertaking various surveys and assessments, but given the scheme’s proponents set the terms of reference and appoint the surveyors / consultants, these cannot be regarded as independent.

Without co-ordinating with the local community and providing full transparency, the community will then be expected to take the results of these surveys on trust.

The DIO has access to resources and monies beyond that of the local community and parish council. An enlightened developer would put aside a sum of money to allow the community to at least arrange its own surveys and seek advice to help formulate its response. As it is, there is a mismatch of resources between the developers and the community with all the respective advantages / disadvantages that brings.

A pre-Christmas DIO-led online webinar was strictly controlled. It is known that numerous submitted questions were conveniently ignored by the host.

This initial consultation is being conducted over the Christmas / New year period when people’s focus has no doubt been elsewhere. The deadline for submissions is January 22. There is a clear sense that the whole consultation process is being rushed through during the latest pandemic restrictions.

Given the scheme’s potential impact on North Winchester, the threat to pristine chalkland habitats, the site’s heritage and potential gains of community assets, a more collaborative and sensitive approach is required. The developers need to genuinely work WITH the community, rather than IMPOSING plans on the community.

David Tozer

Councillor, Littleton & Harestock Parish Council,

Buriton Road

