WINCHESTER Liberal Democrats have defended their controversial new charges for collecting garden waste.

Many people have criticised the new brown bins as a 'stealth tax' but Lib Dems point out they are the second last council in Hampshire to introduce the charge and most of the other councils are run by the Conservatives.

Cllr Martin Tod, Cabinet member for service quality and transformation, told full Council: “The city council now operates a charged for garden waste collection service in common with all bar one of the other authorities within Hampshire. The exception is Fareham and they are due to begin a chargeable service in February 2022.

"Winchester has set the second lowest service price of all Hampshire councils, whilst also offering a larger bin to those who need it, and with no charge for the bin in the first place. We also provide a service nearly all year round, but this is not the case in all the other places, where some services cease over winter.

"In common with all Hampshire authorities Winchester’s garden waste is taken to the county council’s composting site, where it is treated and turned into pro grow soil conditioner which is available to purchase.

"For those not wishing to take part in the charged for service, all Hampshire authorities, including Winchester, have free household waste recycling centre options for residents.

"In terms of progress with our scheme which began operating on February 1, as of February 22, we have now sold 14,050 bins, of which over 70 per cent are of the larger size, and have had over 11,780 delivered to customers, with around 1,750 being delivered each week at present."

The cheapest annual charge is £39 for the smallest bin.

The issue is likely to be a factor in the upcoming elections due to be held on May 6.