FOUR new homes could be built on a popular allotment site in the Test Valley borough.

Trustees of the Captain Busk Grandchildren are seeking the council's permission to build two one-bedroom, and two two-bedroom houses on Houghton Allotments.

It is understood that the Trust has full ownership of the site, and the scheme also seeks to install seven new car parking spaces.

So far the plans have received just one public objection, from Philippa Redding who lives in Church Lane.

She said: "I object to this application as believe the allotments are a crucial resource for both present and future residents. They are a traditional part of village life, create biodiversity and should be protected.

"There is already extensive new development in the village. If amenities are surrendered in this way the village runs the risk of just being left with housing."

As shown by the plan drawings, the allotments would be significantly reduced in size but with some greenspace retained.

Hampshire County Council's archaeological team has not objected to the plans.

However, it has set out a number conditions that should be met: "That no development shall take place until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological mitigation of impact in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation that has been submitted to and approved by the Planning Authority.

"Following completion of archaeological fieldwork a report will be produced in accordance with an approved programme submitted by the developer and approved in writing by the local planning authority setting out and securing appropriate post-excavation assessment, specialist analysis and reports, publication and public engagement."