SIR: With reference to your front page article in Friday’s Advertiser, (July 9) that there are incidents of anti-social behaviour in Romsey, of course there are, for where are the police officers to prevent it? There are none. When did anyone last see a police officer in Romsey?

When Romsey had an active police station, open 24/7, 365 days a year, there were few problems. When the then Home Secretary, Theresa May decided that stringent budgetary cuts were to be made to the service, (among others) suits at Police HQ with undoubtedly little or no experience on the streets stated, “Why does Romsey need five sergeants and 30 PCs there’s never any trouble there.”The situation will not improve until all forces are returned to their 2010 strengths.

John Motteram,

Duttons Road
