A CONTROVERSIAL raised terrace built without planning approval in the Meon Valley has been granted retrospective permission.

Gerry Gamblin built the feature without approval, sparking criticism of him at a previous committee.

Councillors on the planning committee had been recommended to approve the scheme but deferred the issue to visit the site for themselves at Fairgone, Black House Lane, Shirrell Heath.

The planning committee heard from Alice Drew, planning agent for objectors, Mr and Mrs Walsh.

Ms Drew, of the Southern Planning Practice, told the committee that Mr Gamblin has shown “a complete disregard for the planning system”. She said the raised terrace was over-bearing to the Walshes and out of keeping with the area.

Cllr Laurence Ruffell spoke about the impact when he took part in the site visit. “I watched people having their breakfast. Explain how that is not a loss of amenity. If I lived there I would certainly object to this completely.”

Committee chairman Therese Evans said planning conditions on landscaping would reduce any overlooking.

The committee, sitting last Wednesday, voted by eight to one to approve the application.