I never expected to encounter this beautiful innocent scene. I was just on a day out, not actually looking for Christmas, but a few presents maybe, in the local garden centre.

As I approached the entrance I could hear singing, quite funny singing, of Christmas, wishing everyone a merry Christmas and it struck a note with me because it was 4 giant penguins all singing.

What was the most beautiful thing to see was all the little children, they weren't of school age, mesmerized.  Their eyes were full of wonderment and I couldn't help but feel very emotional.

So much so that I pushed the button for them all to sing again and I started to sing with them.  Those wonderful youngsters looked at me but not with any problems, as I was singing "I wish you a merry Christmas", they were just in their element and it occurred to me there is nothing wrong with our children. 

They are so beautifully innocent.  I just hope that they are allowed to be exactly that, little children, with imaginations that can get lost within that lovely atmosphere. 

As we know, what is happening around the world is tragic but we must never lose faith with our children. We must give them all the support and love and let them be as natural as they can possibly be.  

Eileen Berry

Priors Dean Road,

