MEMBERS of the Alresford Twinning Association recently visited their twin town Bricquebec in Normandy.

The 14-strong group was blessed with some glorious sunshine and exceptional hospitality over the weekend.

On Saturday the group met up in "Les Marais " national Park to spend three hours mixing both a guided boat trip and a ramble through the reed beds of this vast area of marshland.

Several species of wildfowl were spotted, but the two highlights were watching a nesting pair of storks feeding their young, followed by a close up of a very happy Coypu sunning himself in one of the many pools.

The afternoon was spent visiting various places of interest together with our hosts...including the seaside resorts of Portbail, Barneville -Carteret and the spectacular coastline of La Hague.

In the evening Chantal Greard, the Bricquebec twinning president, welcomed everyone to a celebratory dinner at a nearby restaurant , where the group enjoyed an excellent five course dinner with a selction of regional dishes from Normandy.

After a Sunday tour of various locations in Normandy including the delightful harbour of Honfleur, (dodging many enthusiastic D-Day re-enactment troops en route), the group returned on the evening boat from Caen.