SIR: I am glad that our Romsey MP is not one of those keen to speak out and defend Boris Johnson after he has got things wrong. She wisely seems to avoid getting involved in his blundering. Looking back on his record as Prime Minister there seems to be very little he has got right. The vaccination program was a success but I wonder how much credit he can personally take for that.

Those that voted Conservative trusted their party to elect a leader who would do a good job but it hasn’t worked out that way. Imagine what Mrs Thatcher would have made of it; all the lying, hiding from scrutiny and dodgy PPE deals as well as sticking up for ministers who are not up to the job.

Maybe one of your readers can rise to my challenge and come up with something else (other than vaccines) that he has done well as PM. His great talent is with a pen, writing provocative and entertaining opinion pieces for newspapers. Why anyone thought that this would help him as Prime Minister is beyond me.

Pete Morton,
